Client Reviews

(Jomsom/Muktinath+Rafting Chitwan August 2004 From France.)
(France) August 2004.
Comments: " It was an Excellent trip ! "

(Culture Tour in Kathmandu & Pokhara April 2004. From Canada)
Comments: "This trip in Nepal with Adventure Treks Nepal, and staff are by far the best I've ever come across!"

Veronese Elena Ms, Giasone Sandro Mr, Acquadro Carlo Mr,
Faccio Gabriella (Late) Ms & Faccio Giulia Ms
Sono oramai due anni che trascorriamo le nostre vacanze effettuando trekking in Nepal; abbiamo usufruito dei servizi dell’agenzia Adventure Treks Nepal (P). Ltd. con piena soddisfazione di tutti i partecipanti; non solo gli itinerari, i lodges, i portatori, sono stati di alto livello, ma soprattutto fra la nostra guida, Bhuwan (che tra l’altro sta continuando a studiare italiano e può essere quindi molto utile a chi non padroneggia la lingua inglese) e l’organizzatore Gyan Karki, si è instaurato un rapporto direi di amicizia.
L’attenzione alle necessità di ogni singolo partecipante (il primo anno ha partecipato con il nostro piccolo gruppo un amico di 72 anni!!) è sempre stata ammirevole; l’organizzazione, dall’arrivo in aeroporto alla partenza, comprese le visite alla splendida vallata di Kathmandu, perfetta.
Il Nepal, per chi come noi ama le montagne, è un Paese meraviglioso e merita ben più di un viaggio; la Adventure Treks Nepal (P). Ltd.. ci fa desiderare ogni volta di ritornare a scoprire altri itinerari. E infatti nell’ottobre del 2005 abbiamo già organizzato quello che è forse uno dei più bei trek del Nepal, il grande circuito dell’Annapurna.
Siamo certi che anche questa volta sarà tutto organizzato alla perfezione. Lavoro da tanti anni nel settore turistico e assicuro che raramente un corrispondente non si presta a critiche: ma in questo caso non posso che ringraziare tutti i componenti dell’Adventure Treks Nepal per la loro professionalità, che si trasforma nella completa soddisfazione dei partecipanti.
E’ con molto piacere quindi che mando questa lettera e resto a disposizione di chiunque mi voglia contattare per condividere questa meravigliosa esperienza nepalese.
Grazie ancora a tutti e arrivederci al prossimo anno!
Elena Veronese
Via Borgomanero 18 – 10145 Torino

Prior to my arrival to Nepal, I had been in contact with several tour agencies trying to figure out which one would best suit my needs. I was first introduced to Gyan karki and Adventure Treks Nepal (P). Ltd. by my travel companion who mentioned to me, "This guide sounds helpful and reliable, and the trek sounds great!"
My trip to Nepal turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had, and I couldn't have done it without Gyan and his team. Trekking through the Himalayas felt like going through a "Fairy Tale Kingdom" and Gyan and His Company gave the full royal treatment.
His expertise of the hills and his knowledge of every corner of those mountains made me feel safe and secure during the entire trek. Since then, I have recommended Adventure Treks Nepal (P). Ltd. to anyone I meet who has an interest in visiting the area.
I definitely plan a return trip to this "Fairy Tale Kingdom" and Gyan will be my first point of contact to arrange the excursion. I am guaranteed that my travel plans will be handled by a true expert and professional. Gyan is not only a "Travel, Trekking guide" along your travels through Nepal, but he is also a "friend" you can trust.
Rochelle A. Santiago & Omar Samra.
San Francisco, CA
Ghorepani Punhill Trekking.

Our initial contact via e-mail from Canada with Nepalese Guide / Tour agent Gyan karki (Adventure Treks Nepal (P). Ltd.) was the most important decision of our trekking trip to Nepal. Consulting with the 4 of us (a couple of 60 years old skiing friends). He suggested routes and schedules and promised reliable porters and choice of nice guest houses to make out journey a worry, free one After meeting us at the Kathmandu Airport he led us on 3 weeks of trekking that included going up to Annapurna Base Camp then west to the kali Gandaki River valley and way to Tibet. On the trek his knowledge of the areas and language meant we always had comfortable lodging each night with excellent meals along the way. It was a trip of a life time ! We were able to concentrate on the magnificent scenery and the people, knowing all the trekking details were being handled expertly by Gyan He made it all possible and we sincerely thank him.
Adventure Treks Nepal (P). Ltd., with expert guide Gyan karki, arranges all details for trekking in the Himalayas. Various routes with lodging at guest houses or in tents and porters to carry trekkers' belongings are all offered by Gyan who knows the areas and culture, languages etc very well. Flexible schedules along the way are possible as the trek is always personalized to suit the clients. With Adventure Treks Nepal (P). Ltd. the trekking experience will be a trip of a lifetime !
Or in point from :
Adventure Treks Nepal (P). Ltd.
® Expert Nepalese guides.
® Arrangement of all details for trekking.
® Routes, lodging, porters offered by Gyan or Guides.
® Flexible schedules.
® Trek personalized to suit the clients.
® A trip of a life time !!!.
John Cole & Valerie Cole
[email protected]
Larry M. Hall
Managing Director
Foothills Management Consulting
Tel: (519) 599-6262
Fax: (519) 599-6694
July 17,2002
John Cole & Valerie Cole
Larry Hall & Barbara Hall.
Annapurna Base Camp + Jomsom Trek.

Hejsa Gyan,
After those 08 days our trekking / tour is over. It has been a fantastic trip. Specially of you and your crew were very professinal so every thing was perfect.
Hope to see you again one day take care and good luck.
Peter & Mette,
Alborgrej 468, 9800 Hjorring, Denmark

I really want to thank you for those 08 days wonderful trekking days. I will never forget I went trekking in Nepal, esp. not with you as Guide. Thank you for supporting us when we felt tried, telling us so many interesting things, being happy all the times. Saving me for some of the ugly spiders … hahahah… !
Wish you all the best ever, and take care,
Lots of love,
Anja Begeskov Rosmussen
Kornager Vej 58, 4640 Fakse, Denmark

Thanks for a great experience here in the mountains of Nepal. I wish you all the best in the future and don't forget : Be happy…!
Heidi Hansen
Englandsvej 205,
2300 Kobenhagon,